blob: 19e6864e418194ec3f3193078c2d20cf5d9e1c44 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:source_span/source_span.dart';
/// A token in a boolean selector.
class Token {
/// The type of the token.
final TokenType type;
/// The span indicating where this token came from.
/// This is a [FileSpan] because the tokens are parsed from a single
/// continuous string, but the string itself isn't actually a file. It might
/// come from a statically-parsed annotation or from a parameter.
final FileSpan span;
Token(this.type, this.span);
/// A token representing an identifier.
class IdentifierToken implements Token {
final type = TokenType.identifier;
final FileSpan span;
/// The name of the identifier.
final String name;
IdentifierToken(, this.span);
String toString() => 'identifier "$name"';
/// An enumeration of types of tokens.
class TokenType {
/// A `(` character.
static const leftParen = TokenType._('left paren');
/// A `)` character.
static const rightParen = TokenType._('right paren');
/// A `||` sequence.
static const or = TokenType._('or');
/// A `&&` sequence.
static const and = TokenType._('and');
/// A `!` character.
static const not = TokenType._('not');
/// A `?` character.
static const questionMark = TokenType._('question mark');
/// A `:` character.
static const colon = TokenType._('colon');
/// A named identifier.
static const identifier = TokenType._('identifier');
/// The end of the selector.
static const endOfFile = TokenType._('end of file');
/// The name of the token type.
final String name;
const TokenType._(;
String toString() => name;