blob: 0adfe9948ae4ae03036e1d6c6befd56a2e87cd0f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:source_span/source_span.dart';
import 'visitor.dart';
/// The superclass of nodes in the boolean selector abstract syntax tree.
abstract class Node {
/// The span indicating where this node came from.
/// This is a [FileSpan] because the nodes are parsed from a single continuous
/// string, but the string itself isn't actually a file. It might come from a
/// statically-parsed annotation or from a parameter.
/// This may be `null` for nodes without source information.
FileSpan? get span;
/// All the variables in this node, in the order they appear.
Iterable<String> get variables;
/// Calls the appropriate [Visitor] method on [this] and returns the result.
T accept<T>(Visitor<T> visitor);
/// A single variable.
class VariableNode implements Node {
final FileSpan? span;
/// The variable name.
final String name;
Iterable<String> get variables => [name];
VariableNode(, [this.span]);
T accept<T>(Visitor<T> visitor) => visitor.visitVariable(this);
String toString() => name;
bool operator ==(other) => other is VariableNode && name ==;
int get hashCode => name.hashCode;
/// A negation expression.
class NotNode implements Node {
final FileSpan? span;
/// The expression being negated.
final Node child;
Iterable<String> get variables => child.variables;
NotNode(this.child, [this.span]);
T accept<T>(Visitor<T> visitor) => visitor.visitNot(this);
String toString() =>
child is VariableNode || child is NotNode ? '!$child' : '!($child)';
bool operator ==(other) => other is NotNode && child == other.child;
int get hashCode => ~child.hashCode;
/// An or expression.
class OrNode implements Node {
FileSpan? get span => _expandSafe(left.span, right.span);
/// The left-hand branch of the expression.
final Node left;
/// The right-hand branch of the expression.
final Node right;
Iterable<String> get variables sync* {
yield* left.variables;
yield* right.variables;
OrNode(this.left, this.right);
T accept<T>(Visitor<T> visitor) => visitor.visitOr(this);
String toString() {
var string1 = left is AndNode || left is ConditionalNode ? '($left)' : left;
var string2 =
right is AndNode || right is ConditionalNode ? '($right)' : right;
return '$string1 || $string2';
bool operator ==(other) =>
other is OrNode && left == other.left && right == other.right;
int get hashCode => left.hashCode ^ right.hashCode;
/// An and expression.
class AndNode implements Node {
FileSpan? get span => _expandSafe(left.span, right.span);
/// The left-hand branch of the expression.
final Node left;
/// The right-hand branch of the expression.
final Node right;
Iterable<String> get variables sync* {
yield* left.variables;
yield* right.variables;
AndNode(this.left, this.right);
T accept<T>(Visitor<T> visitor) => visitor.visitAnd(this);
String toString() {
var string1 = left is OrNode || left is ConditionalNode ? '($left)' : left;
var string2 =
right is OrNode || right is ConditionalNode ? '($right)' : right;
return '$string1 && $string2';
bool operator ==(other) =>
other is AndNode && left == other.left && right == other.right;
int get hashCode => left.hashCode ^ right.hashCode;
/// A ternary conditional expression.
class ConditionalNode implements Node {
FileSpan? get span => _expandSafe(condition.span, whenFalse.span);
/// The condition expression to check.
final Node condition;
/// The branch to run if the condition is true.
final Node whenTrue;
/// The branch to run if the condition is false.
final Node whenFalse;
Iterable<String> get variables sync* {
yield* condition.variables;
yield* whenTrue.variables;
yield* whenFalse.variables;
ConditionalNode(this.condition, this.whenTrue, this.whenFalse);
T accept<T>(Visitor<T> visitor) => visitor.visitConditional(this);
String toString() {
var conditionString =
condition is ConditionalNode ? '($condition)' : condition;
var trueString = whenTrue is ConditionalNode ? '($whenTrue)' : whenTrue;
return '$conditionString ? $trueString : $whenFalse';
bool operator ==(other) =>
other is ConditionalNode &&
condition == other.condition &&
whenTrue == other.whenTrue &&
whenFalse == other.whenFalse;
int get hashCode =>
condition.hashCode ^ whenTrue.hashCode ^ whenFalse.hashCode;
/// Like [FileSpan.expand], except if [start] and [end] are `null` or from
/// different files it returns `null` rather than throwing an error.
FileSpan? _expandSafe(FileSpan? start, FileSpan? end) {
if (start == null || end == null) return null;
if (start.file != end.file) return null;
return start.expand(end);