blob: de9c4164fc175ca720b2959384cd6d388a9edfdc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:boolean_selector/src/scanner.dart';
import 'package:boolean_selector/src/token.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
group('peek()', () {
test('returns the next token without consuming it', () {
var scanner = Scanner('( )');
expect(scanner.peek().type, equals(TokenType.leftParen));
expect(scanner.peek().type, equals(TokenType.leftParen));
expect(scanner.peek().type, equals(TokenType.leftParen));
test('returns an end-of-file token at the end of a file', () {
var scanner = Scanner('( )');;;
var token = scanner.peek();
expect(token.type, equals(TokenType.endOfFile));
expect(token.span.start.offset, equals(3));
expect(token.span.end.offset, equals(3));
test('throws a StateError if called after end-of-file was consumed', () {
var scanner = Scanner('( )');;;;
expect(() => scanner.peek(), throwsStateError);
group('next()', () {
test('consumes and returns the next token', () {
var scanner = Scanner('( )');
expect(, equals(TokenType.leftParen));
expect(scanner.peek().type, equals(TokenType.rightParen));
expect(, equals(TokenType.rightParen));
test('returns an end-of-file token at the end of a file', () {
var scanner = Scanner('( )');;;
var token =;
expect(token.type, equals(TokenType.endOfFile));
expect(token.span.start.offset, equals(3));
expect(token.span.end.offset, equals(3));
test('throws a StateError if called after end-of-file was consumed', () {
var scanner = Scanner('( )');;;;
expect(() =>, throwsStateError);
group('scan()', () {
test('consumes a matching token and returns true', () {
var scanner = Scanner('( )');
expect(scanner.scan(TokenType.leftParen), isTrue);
expect(scanner.peek().type, equals(TokenType.rightParen));
test("doesn't consume a matching token and returns false", () {
var scanner = Scanner('( )');
expect(scanner.scan(TokenType.questionMark), isFalse);
expect(scanner.peek().type, equals(TokenType.leftParen));
test('throws a StateError called after end-of-file was consumed', () {
var scanner = Scanner('( )');;;;
expect(() => scanner.scan(TokenType.endOfFile), throwsStateError);
group('scans a simple token:', () {
test('left paren', () => _expectSimpleScan('(', TokenType.leftParen));
test('right paren', () => _expectSimpleScan(')', TokenType.rightParen));
test('or', () => _expectSimpleScan('||', TokenType.or));
test('and', () => _expectSimpleScan('&&', TokenType.and));
test('not', () => _expectSimpleScan('!', TokenType.not));
test('question mark', () => _expectSimpleScan('?', TokenType.questionMark));
test('colon', () => _expectSimpleScan(':', TokenType.colon));
group('scans an identifier that', () {
test('is simple', () {
var token = _scan(' foo ');
expect(, equals('foo'));
expect(token.span.text, equals('foo'));
expect(token.span.start.offset, equals(3));
expect(token.span.end.offset, equals(6));
test('is a single character', () {
var token = _scan('f');
expect(, equals('f'));
test('has a leading underscore', () {
var token = _scan('_foo');
expect(, equals('_foo'));
test('has a leading dash', () {
var token = _scan('-foo');
expect(, equals('-foo'));
test('contains an underscore', () {
var token = _scan('foo_bar');
expect(, equals('foo_bar'));
test('contains a dash', () {
var token = _scan('foo-bar');
expect(, equals('foo-bar'));
test('is capitalized', () {
var token = _scan('FOO');
expect(, equals('FOO'));
test('contains numbers', () {
var token = _scan('foo123');
expect(, equals('foo123'));
test('scans an empty selector', () {
expect(_scan('').type, equals(TokenType.endOfFile));
test('scans multiple tokens', () {
var scanner = Scanner('(foo && bar)');
var token =;
expect(token.type, equals(TokenType.leftParen));
expect(token.span.start.offset, equals(0));
expect(token.span.end.offset, equals(1));
token =;
expect(token.type, equals(TokenType.identifier));
expect((token as IdentifierToken).name, equals('foo'));
expect(token.span.start.offset, equals(1));
expect(token.span.end.offset, equals(4));
token =;
expect(token.type, equals(TokenType.and));
expect(token.span.start.offset, equals(5));
expect(token.span.end.offset, equals(7));
token =;
expect(token.type, equals(TokenType.identifier));
expect((token as IdentifierToken).name, equals('bar'));
expect(token.span.start.offset, equals(8));
expect(token.span.end.offset, equals(11));
token =;
expect(token.type, equals(TokenType.rightParen));
expect(token.span.start.offset, equals(11));
expect(token.span.end.offset, equals(12));
token =;
expect(token.type, equals(TokenType.endOfFile));
expect(token.span.start.offset, equals(12));
expect(token.span.end.offset, equals(12));
group('ignores', () {
test('a single-line comment', () {
var scanner = Scanner('( // &&\n// ||\n)');
expect(, equals(TokenType.leftParen));
expect(, equals(TokenType.rightParen));
expect(, equals(TokenType.endOfFile));
test('a single-line comment without a trailing newline', () {
var scanner = Scanner('( // &&');
expect(, equals(TokenType.leftParen));
expect(, equals(TokenType.endOfFile));
test('a multi-line comment', () {
var scanner = Scanner('( /* && * /\n|| */\n)');
expect(, equals(TokenType.leftParen));
expect(, equals(TokenType.rightParen));
expect(, equals(TokenType.endOfFile));
test('a multi-line nested comment', () {
var scanner = Scanner('(/* && /* ? /* || */ : */ ! */)');
expect(, equals(TokenType.leftParen));
expect(, equals(TokenType.rightParen));
expect(, equals(TokenType.endOfFile));
test("Dart's notion of whitespace", () {
var scanner = Scanner('( \t \n)');
expect(, equals(TokenType.leftParen));
expect(, equals(TokenType.rightParen));
expect(, equals(TokenType.endOfFile));
group('disallows', () {
test('a single |', () {
expect(() => _scan('|'), throwsFormatException);
test('"| |"', () {
expect(() => _scan('| |'), throwsFormatException);
test('a single &', () {
expect(() => _scan('&'), throwsFormatException);
test('"& &"', () {
expect(() => _scan('& &'), throwsFormatException);
test('an unknown operator', () {
expect(() => _scan('=='), throwsFormatException);
test('unicode', () {
expect(() => _scan('öh'), throwsFormatException);
test('an unclosed multi-line comment', () {
expect(() => _scan('/*'), throwsFormatException);
test('an unopened multi-line comment', () {
expect(() => _scan('*/'), throwsFormatException);
/// Asserts that the first token scanned from [selector] has type [type],
/// and that that token's span is exactly [selector].
void _expectSimpleScan(String selector, TokenType type) {
// Complicate the selector to test that the span covers it correctly.
var token = _scan(' $selector ');
expect(token.type, equals(type));
expect(token.span.text, equals(selector));
expect(token.span.start.offset, equals(3));
expect(token.span.end.offset, equals(3 + selector.length));
/// Scans a single token from [selector].
dynamic _scan(String selector) => Scanner(selector).next();