blob: 729c4834ae574c8e1809fee5c1dddfaf7ff80df8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:string_scanner/string_scanner.dart';
import 'token.dart';
/// A regular expression matching both whitespace and single-line comments.
/// This will only match if consumes at least one character.
final _whitespaceAndSingleLineComments = RegExp(r"([ \t\n]+|//[^\n]*(\n|$))+");
/// A regular expression matching the body of a multi-line comment, after `/*`
/// but before `*/` or a nested `/*`.
/// This will only match if it consumes at least one character.
final _multiLineCommentBody = RegExp(r"([^/*]|/[^*]|\*[^/])+");
/// A regular expression matching a hyphenated identifier.
/// This is like a standard Dart identifier, except that it can also contain
/// hyphens.
final _hyphenatedIdentifier = RegExp(r"[a-zA-Z_-][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*");
/// A scanner that converts a boolean selector string into a stream of tokens.
class Scanner {
/// The underlying string scanner.
final SpanScanner _scanner;
/// The next token to emit.
Token _next;
/// Whether the scanner has emitted a [TokenType.endOfFile] token.
bool _endOfFileEmitted = false;
Scanner(String selector) : _scanner = SpanScanner(selector);
/// Returns the next token that will be returned by [next].
/// Throws a [StateError] if a [TokenType.endOfFile] token has already been
/// consumed.
Token peek() {
if (_next == null) _next = _getNext();
return _next;
/// Consumes and returns the next token in the stream.
/// Throws a [StateError] if a [TokenType.endOfFile] token has already been
/// consumed.
Token next() {
var token = _next == null ? _getNext() : _next;
_endOfFileEmitted = token.type == TokenType.endOfFile;
_next = null;
return token;
/// If the next token matches [type], consumes it and returns `true`;
/// otherwise, returns `false`.
/// Throws a [StateError] if a [TokenType.endOfFile] token has already been
/// consumed.
bool scan(TokenType type) {
if (peek().type != type) return false;
return true;
/// Scan and return the next token in the stream.
Token _getNext() {
if (_endOfFileEmitted) throw StateError("No more tokens.");
if (_scanner.isDone) {
return Token(TokenType.endOfFile, _scanner.spanFrom(_scanner.state));
switch (_scanner.peekChar()) {
case 0x28 /* ( */ :
return _scanOperator(TokenType.leftParen);
case 0x29 /* ) */ :
return _scanOperator(TokenType.rightParen);
case 0x3F /* ? */ :
return _scanOperator(TokenType.questionMark);
case 0x3A /* : */ :
return _scanOperator(TokenType.colon);
case 0x21 /* ! */ :
return _scanOperator(TokenType.not);
case 0x7C /* | */ :
return _scanOr();
case 0x26 /* & */ :
return _scanAnd();
return _scanIdentifier();
/// Scans a single-character operator and returns a token of type [type].
/// This assumes that the caller has already verified that the next character
/// is correct for the given operator.
Token _scanOperator(TokenType type) {
var start = _scanner.state;
return Token(type, _scanner.spanFrom(start));
/// Scans a `||` operator and returns the appropriate token.
/// This validates that the next two characters are `||`.
Token _scanOr() {
var start = _scanner.state;
return Token(TokenType.or, _scanner.spanFrom(start));
/// Scans a `&&` operator and returns the appropriate token.
/// This validates that the next two characters are `&&`.
Token _scanAnd() {
var start = _scanner.state;
return Token(TokenType.and, _scanner.spanFrom(start));
/// Scans and returns an identifier token.
Token _scanIdentifier() {
_scanner.expect(_hyphenatedIdentifier, name: "expression");
return IdentifierToken(_scanner.lastMatch[0], _scanner.lastSpan);
/// Consumes all whitespace and comments immediately following the cursor's
/// current position.
void _consumeWhitespace() {
while (_scanner.scan(_whitespaceAndSingleLineComments) ||
_multiLineComment()) {
// Do nothing.
/// Consumes a single multi-line comment.
/// Returns whether or not a comment was consumed.
bool _multiLineComment() {
if (!_scanner.scan("/*")) return false;
while (_scanner.scan(_multiLineCommentBody) || _multiLineComment()) {
// Do nothing.
return true;