blob: 0b9db48f205d3df07ad6e4156ad837e7f6934d07 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:boolean_selector/src/ast.dart';
import 'package:boolean_selector/src/parser.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
/// A matcher that asserts that a value is a [ConditionalNode].
final _isConditionalNode = TypeMatcher<ConditionalNode>();
/// A matcher that asserts that a value is an [OrNode].
final _isOrNode = TypeMatcher<OrNode>();
/// A matcher that asserts that a value is an [AndNode].
final _isAndNode = TypeMatcher<AndNode>();
/// A matcher that asserts that a value is a [NotNode].
final _isNotNode = TypeMatcher<NotNode>();
void main() {
group('parses a conditional expression', () {
test('with identifiers', () {
var node = _parse(' a ? b : c ');
expect(node.toString(), equals('a ? b : c'));
expect(node.span.text, equals('a ? b : c'));
expect(node.span.start.offset, equals(2));
expect(node.span.end.offset, equals(11));
test('with nested ors', () {
// Should parse as "(a || b) ? (c || d) : (e || f)".
// Should not parse as "a || (b ? (c || d) : (e || f))".
// Should not parse as "((a || b) ? (c || d) : e) || f".
// Should not parse as "a || (b ? (c || d) : e) || f".
_expectToString('a || b ? c || d : e || f', 'a || b ? c || d : e || f');
test('with a conditional expression as branch 1', () {
// Should parse as "a ? (b ? c : d) : e".
var node = _parse('a ? b ? c : d : e');
expect(node, _isConditionalNode);
expect(node.condition, _isVar('a'));
expect(node.whenFalse, _isVar('e'));
expect(node.whenTrue, _isConditionalNode);
expect(node.whenTrue.condition, _isVar('b'));
expect(node.whenTrue.whenTrue, _isVar('c'));
expect(node.whenTrue.whenFalse, _isVar('d'));
test('with a conditional expression as branch 2', () {
// Should parse as "a ? b : (c ? d : e)".
// Should not parse as "(a ? b : c) ? d : e".
var node = _parse('a ? b : c ? d : e');
expect(node, _isConditionalNode);
expect(node.condition, _isVar('a'));
expect(node.whenTrue, _isVar('b'));
expect(node.whenFalse, _isConditionalNode);
expect(node.whenFalse.condition, _isVar('c'));
expect(node.whenFalse.whenTrue, _isVar('d'));
expect(node.whenFalse.whenFalse, _isVar('e'));
group('which must have', () {
test('an expression after the ?', () {
expect(() => _parse('a ?'), throwsFormatException);
expect(() => _parse('a ? && b'), throwsFormatException);
test('a :', () {
expect(() => _parse('a ? b'), throwsFormatException);
expect(() => _parse('a ? b && c'), throwsFormatException);
test('an expression after the :', () {
expect(() => _parse('a ? b :'), throwsFormatException);
expect(() => _parse('a ? b : && c'), throwsFormatException);
group('parses an or expression', () {
test('with identifiers', () {
var node = _parse(' a || b ');
expect(node, _isOrNode);
expect(node.left, _isVar('a'));
expect(node.right, _isVar('b'));
expect(node.span.text, equals('a || b'));
expect(node.span.start.offset, equals(2));
expect(node.span.end.offset, equals(8));
test('with nested ands', () {
// Should parse as "(a && b) || (c && d)".
// Should not parse as "a && (b || c) && d".
var node = _parse('a && b || c && d');
expect(node, _isOrNode);
expect(node.left, _isAndNode);
expect(node.left.left, _isVar('a'));
expect(node.left.right, _isVar('b'));
expect(node.right, _isAndNode);
expect(node.right.left, _isVar('c'));
expect(node.right.right, _isVar('d'));
test('with trailing ors', () {
// Should parse as "a || (b || (c || d))", although it doesn't affect the
// semantics.
var node = _parse('a || b || c || d');
for (var variable in ['a', 'b', 'c']) {
expect(node, _isOrNode);
expect(node.left, _isVar(variable));
node = node.right;
expect(node, _isVar('d'));
test('which must have an expression after the ||', () {
expect(() => _parse('a ||'), throwsFormatException);
expect(() => _parse('a || && b'), throwsFormatException);
group('parses an and expression', () {
test('with identifiers', () {
var node = _parse(' a && b ');
expect(node, _isAndNode);
expect(node.left, _isVar('a'));
expect(node.right, _isVar('b'));
expect(node.span.text, equals('a && b'));
expect(node.span.start.offset, equals(2));
expect(node.span.end.offset, equals(8));
test('with nested nots', () {
// Should parse as "(!a) && (!b)", obviously.
// Should not parse as "!(a && (!b))".
var node = _parse('!a && !b');
expect(node, _isAndNode);
expect(node.left, _isNotNode);
expect(node.left.child, _isVar('a'));
expect(node.right, _isNotNode);
expect(node.right.child, _isVar('b'));
test('with trailing ands', () {
// Should parse as "a && (b && (c && d))", although it doesn't affect the
// semantics since .
var node = _parse('a && b && c && d');
for (var variable in ['a', 'b', 'c']) {
expect(node, _isAndNode);
expect(node.left, _isVar(variable));
node = node.right;
expect(node, _isVar('d'));
test('which must have an expression after the &&', () {
expect(() => _parse('a &&'), throwsFormatException);
expect(() => _parse('a && && b'), throwsFormatException);
group('parses a not expression', () {
test('with an identifier', () {
var node = _parse(' ! a ');
expect(node, _isNotNode);
expect(node.child, _isVar('a'));
expect(node.span.text, equals('! a'));
expect(node.span.start.offset, equals(2));
expect(node.span.end.offset, equals(5));
test('with a parenthesized expression', () {
var node = _parse('!(a || b)');
expect(node, _isNotNode);
expect(node.child, _isOrNode);
expect(node.child.left, _isVar('a'));
expect(node.child.right, _isVar('b'));
test('with a nested not', () {
var node = _parse('!!a');
expect(node, _isNotNode);
expect(node.child, _isNotNode);
expect(node.child.child, _isVar('a'));
test('which must have an expression after the !', () {
expect(() => _parse('!'), throwsFormatException);
expect(() => _parse('! && a'), throwsFormatException);
group('parses a parenthesized expression', () {
test('with an identifier', () {
var node = _parse('(a)');
expect(node, _isVar('a'));
test('controls precedence', () {
// Without parentheses, this would parse as "(a || b) ? c : d".
var node = _parse('a || (b ? c : d)');
expect(node, _isOrNode);
expect(node.left, _isVar('a'));
expect(node.right, _isConditionalNode);
expect(node.right.condition, _isVar('b'));
expect(node.right.whenTrue, _isVar('c'));
expect(node.right.whenFalse, _isVar('d'));
group('which must have', () {
test('an expression within the ()', () {
expect(() => _parse('()'), throwsFormatException);
expect(() => _parse('( && a )'), throwsFormatException);
test('a matching )', () {
expect(() => _parse('( a'), throwsFormatException);
group('disallows', () {
test('an empty selector', () {
expect(() => _parse(''), throwsFormatException);
test('too many expressions', () {
expect(() => _parse('a b'), throwsFormatException);
/// Parses [selector] and returns its root node.
dynamic _parse(String selector) => Parser(selector).parse();
/// A matcher that asserts that a value is a [VariableNode] with the given
/// [name].
Matcher _isVar(String name) => predicate(
(dynamic value) => value is VariableNode && == name,
'is a variable named "$name"');
void _expectToString(String selector, [String? result]) {
result ??= selector;
expect(_toString(selector), equals(result),
reason: 'Expected toString of "$selector" to be "$result".');
String _toString(String selector) => Parser(selector).parse().toString();