blob: 855a77245abee11f0d4cb7d0c4226fb3ec4d1f4b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'byte_collector.dart' show collectBytes;
/// Utility class for reading elements from a _chunked stream_.
/// A _chunked stream_ is a stream where each event is a chunk of elements.
/// Byte-streams with the type `Stream<List<int>>` is common of example of this.
/// As illustrated in the example below, this utility class makes it easy to
/// read a _chunked stream_ using custom chunk sizes and sub-stream sizes,
/// without managing partially read chunks.
/// ```dart
/// final r = ChunkedStreamReader(File('myfile.txt').openRead());
/// try {
/// // Read the first 4 bytes
/// final firstBytes = await r.readChunk(4);
/// if (firstBytes.length < 4) {
/// throw Exception('myfile.txt has less than 4 bytes');
/// }
/// // Read next 8 kilobytes as a substream
/// Stream<List<int>> substream = r.readStream(8 * 1024);
/// ...
/// } finally {
/// // We always cancel the ChunkedStreamReader, this ensures the underlying
/// // stream is cancelled.
/// r.cancel();
/// }
/// ```
/// The read-operations [readChunk] and [readStream] must not be invoked until
/// the future from a previous call has completed.
class ChunkedStreamReader<T> {
final StreamIterator<List<T>> _input;
final List<T> _emptyList = const [];
List<T> _buffer = <T>[];
bool _reading = false;
factory ChunkedStreamReader(Stream<List<T>> stream) =>
/// Read next [size] elements from _chunked stream_, buffering to create a
/// chunk with [size] elements.
/// This will read _chunks_ from the underlying _chunked stream_ until [size]
/// elements have been buffered, or end-of-stream, then it returns the first
/// [size] buffered elements.
/// If end-of-stream is encountered before [size] elements is read, this
/// returns a list with fewer than [size] elements (indicating end-of-stream).
/// If the underlying stream throws, the stream is cancelled, the exception is
/// propogated and further read operations will fail.
/// Throws, if another read operation is on-going.
Future<List<T>> readChunk(int size) async {
final result = <T>[];
await for (final chunk in readStream(size)) {
return result;
/// Read next [size] elements from _chunked stream_ as a sub-stream.
/// This will pass-through _chunks_ from the underlying _chunked stream_ until
/// [size] elements have been returned, or end-of-stream has been encountered.
/// If end-of-stream is encountered before [size] elements is read, this
/// returns a list with fewer than [size] elements (indicating end-of-stream).
/// If the underlying stream throws, the stream is cancelled, the exception is
/// propogated and further read operations will fail.
/// If the sub-stream returned from [readStream] is cancelled the remaining
/// unread elements up-to [size] are drained, allowing subsequent
/// read-operations to proceed after cancellation.
/// Throws, if another read-operation is on-going.
Stream<List<T>> readStream(int size) {
RangeError.checkNotNegative(size, 'size');
if (_reading) {
throw StateError('Concurrent read operations are not allowed!');
_reading = true;
final substream = () async* {
// While we have data to read
while (size > 0) {
// Read something into the buffer, if it's empty
if (_buffer.isEmpty) {
if (!(await _input.moveNext())) {
// Don't attempt to read more data, as there is no more data.
size = 0;
_reading = false;
_buffer = _input.current;
if (_buffer.isNotEmpty) {
if (size < _buffer.length) {
final output = _buffer.sublist(0, size);
_buffer = _buffer.sublist(size);
size = 0;
yield output;
_reading = false;
final output = _buffer;
size -= _buffer.length;
_buffer = _emptyList;
yield output;
final c = StreamController<List<T>>();
c.onListen = () => c.addStream(substream()).whenComplete(c.close);
c.onCancel = () async {
while (size > 0) {
if (_buffer.isEmpty) {
if (!await _input.moveNext()) {
size = 0; // no more data
_buffer = _input.current;
if (size < _buffer.length) {
_buffer = _buffer.sublist(size);
size = 0;
size -= _buffer.length;
_buffer = _emptyList;
_reading = false;
/// Cancel the underlying _chunked stream_.
/// If a future from [readChunk] or [readStream] is still pending then
/// [cancel] behaves as if the underlying stream ended early. That is a future
/// from [readChunk] may return a partial chunk smaller than the request size.
/// It is always safe to call [cancel], even if the underlying stream was read
/// to completion.
/// It can be a good idea to call [cancel] in a `finally`-block when done
/// using the [ChunkedStreamReader], this mitigates risk of leaking resources.
Future<void> cancel() async => await _input.cancel();
/// Extensions for using [ChunkedStreamReader] with byte-streams.
extension ChunkedStreamReaderByteStreamExt on ChunkedStreamReader<int> {
/// Read bytes into a [Uint8List].
/// This does the same as [readChunk], except it uses [collectBytes] to create
/// a [Uint8List], which offers better performance.
Future<Uint8List> readBytes(int size) async =>
await collectBytes(readStream(size));