blob: 889ccd82685af96a2e5933b9228231804bd50bc6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
/// A collection of streams whose events are unified and sent through a central
/// stream.
/// Both errors and data events are forwarded through [stream]. The streams in
/// the group won't be listened to until [stream] has a listener. **Note that
/// this means that events emitted by broadcast streams will be dropped until
/// [stream] has a listener.**
/// If the `StreamGroup` is constructed using [new StreamGroup], [stream] will
/// be single-subscription. In this case, if [stream] is paused or canceled, all
/// streams in the group will likewise be paused or canceled, respectively.
/// If the `StreamGroup` is constructed using [new StreamGroup.broadcast],
/// [stream] will be a broadcast stream. In this case, the streams in the group
/// will never be paused and single-subscription streams in the group will never
/// be canceled. **Note that single-subscription streams in a broadcast group
/// may drop events if a listener is added and later removed.** Broadcast
/// streams in the group will be canceled once [stream] has no listeners, and
/// will be listened to again once [stream] has listeners.
/// [stream] won't close until [close] is called on the group *and* every stream
/// in the group closes.
class StreamGroup<T> implements Sink<Stream<T>> {
/// The stream through which all events from streams in the group are emitted.
Stream<T> get stream =>;
StreamController<T> _controller;
/// Whether the group is closed, meaning that no more streams may be added.
var _closed = false;
/// The current state of the group.
/// See [_StreamGroupState] for detailed descriptions of each state.
var _state = _StreamGroupState.dormant;
/// Streams that have been added to the group, and their subscriptions if they
/// have been subscribed to.
/// The subscriptions will be null until the group has a listener registered.
/// If it's a broadcast group and it goes dormant again, broadcast stream
/// subscriptions will be canceled and set to null again. Single-subscriber
/// stream subscriptions will be left intact, since they can't be
/// re-subscribed.
final _subscriptions = new Map<Stream<T>, StreamSubscription<T>>();
/// Merges the events from [streams] into a single (single-subscriber) stream.
/// This is equivalent to adding [streams] to a group, closing that group, and
/// returning its stream.
static Stream/*<T>*/ merge/*<T>*/(Iterable<Stream/*<T>*/> streams) {
var group = new StreamGroup/*<T>*/();
/// Creates a new stream group where [stream] is single-subscriber.
StreamGroup() {
_controller = new StreamController<T>(
onListen: _onListen,
onPause: _onPause,
onResume: _onResume,
onCancel: _onCancel,
sync: true);
/// Creates a new stream group where [stream] is a broadcast stream.
StreamGroup.broadcast() {
_controller = new StreamController<T>.broadcast(
onListen: _onListen,
onCancel: _onCancelBroadcast,
sync: true);
/// Adds [stream] as a member of this group.
/// Any events from [stream] will be emitted through []. If this
/// group has a listener, [stream] will be listened to immediately; otherwise
/// it will only be listened to once this group gets a listener.
/// If this is a single-subscription group and its subscription has been
/// canceled, [stream] will be canceled as soon as its added. If this returns
/// a [Future], it will be returned from [add]. Otherwise, [add] returns
/// `null`.
/// Throws a [StateError] if this group is closed.
Future add(Stream<T> stream) {
if (_closed) {
throw new StateError("Can't add a Stream to a closed StreamGroup.");
if (_state == _StreamGroupState.dormant) {
_subscriptions.putIfAbsent(stream, () => null);
} else if (_state == _StreamGroupState.canceled) {
// Listen to the stream and cancel it immediately so that no one else can
// listen, for consistency. If the stream has an onCancel listener this
// will also fire that, which may help it clean up resources.
return stream.listen(null).cancel();
} else {
_subscriptions.putIfAbsent(stream, () => _listenToStream(stream));
return null;
/// Removes [stream] as a member of this group.
/// No further events from [stream] will be emitted through this group. If
/// [stream] has been listened to, its subscription will be canceled.
/// If [stream] has been listened to, this *synchronously* cancels its
/// subscription. This means that any events from [stream] that haven't yet
/// been emitted through this group will not be.
/// If [stream]'s subscription is canceled, this returns
/// [StreamSubscription.cancel]'s return value. Otherwise, it returns `null`.
Future remove(Stream<T> stream) {
var subscription = _subscriptions.remove(stream);
var future = subscription == null ? null : subscription.cancel();
if (_closed && _subscriptions.isEmpty) _controller.close();
return future;
/// A callback called when [stream] is listened to.
/// This is called for both single-subscription and broadcast groups.
void _onListen() {
_state = _StreamGroupState.listening;
_subscriptions.forEach((stream, subscription) {
// If this is a broadcast group and this isn't the first time it's been
// listened to, there may still be some subscriptions to
// single-subscription streams.
if (subscription != null) return;
_subscriptions[stream] = _listenToStream(stream);
/// A callback called when [stream] is paused.
void _onPause() {
_state = _StreamGroupState.paused;
for (var subscription in _subscriptions.values) {
/// A callback called when [stream] is resumed.
void _onResume() {
_state = _StreamGroupState.listening;
for (var subscription in _subscriptions.values) {
/// A callback called when [stream] is canceled.
/// This is only called for single-subscription groups.
Future _onCancel() {
_state = _StreamGroupState.canceled;
var futures = _subscriptions.values
.map((subscription) => subscription.cancel())
.where((future) => future != null)
return futures.isEmpty ? null : Future.wait(futures);
/// A callback called when [stream]'s last listener is canceled.
/// This is only called for broadcast groups.
void _onCancelBroadcast() {
_state = _StreamGroupState.dormant;
_subscriptions.forEach((stream, subscription) {
// Cancel the broadcast streams, since we can re-listen to those later,
// but allow the single-subscription streams to keep firing. Their events
// will still be added to [_controller], but then they'll be dropped since
// it has no listeners.
if (!stream.isBroadcast) return;
_subscriptions[stream] = null;
/// Starts actively forwarding events from [stream] to [_controller].
/// This will pause the resulting subscription if [this] is paused.
StreamSubscription<T> _listenToStream(Stream<T> stream) {
var subscription = stream.listen(
onError: _controller.addError,
onDone: () => remove(stream));
if (_state == _StreamGroupState.paused) subscription.pause();
return subscription;
/// Closes the group, indicating that no more streams will be added.
/// If there are no streams in the group, [stream] is closed immediately.
/// Otherwise, [stream] will close once all streams in the group close.
/// Returns a [Future] that completes once [stream] has actually been closed.
Future close() {
if (_closed) return _controller.done;
_closed = true;
if (_subscriptions.isEmpty) _controller.close();
return _controller.done;
/// An enum of possible states of a [StreamGroup].
class _StreamGroupState {
/// The group has no listeners.
/// New streams added to the group will be listened once the group has a
/// listener.
static const dormant = const _StreamGroupState("dormant");
/// The group has one or more listeners and is actively firing events.
/// New streams added to the group will be immediately listeners.
static const listening = const _StreamGroupState("listening");
/// The group is paused and no more events will be fired until it resumes.
/// New streams added to the group will be listened to, but then paused. They
/// will be resumed once the group itself is resumed.
/// This state is only used by single-subscriber groups.
static const paused = const _StreamGroupState("paused");
/// The group is canceled and no more events will be fired ever.
/// New streams added to the group will be listened to, canceled, and
/// discarded.
/// This state is only used by single-subscriber groups.
static const canceled = const _StreamGroupState("canceled");
/// The name of the state.
/// Used for debugging.
final String name;
const _StreamGroupState(;
String toString() => name;