blob: 27034c2fe2b4a4f0c46425f2e429ca84d76cea6d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
/// A single-subscription [stream] where the contents are provided later.
/// It is generally recommended that you never create a `Future<Stream>`
/// because you can just directly create a stream that doesn't do anything
/// until it's ready to do so.
/// This class can be used to create such a stream.
/// The [stream] is a normal stream that you can listen to immediately,
/// but until either [setSourceStream] or [setEmpty] is called,
/// the stream won't produce any events.
/// The same effect can be achieved by using a [StreamController]
/// and adding the stream using `addStream` when both
/// the controller's stream is listened to and the source stream is ready.
/// This class attempts to shortcut some of the overhead when possible.
/// For example, if the [stream] is only listened to
/// after the source stream has been set,
/// the listen is performed directly on the source stream.
class StreamCompleter<T> {
/// The stream doing the actual work, is returned by [stream].
final _stream = _CompleterStream<T>();
/// Convert a `Future<Stream>` to a `Stream`.
/// This creates a stream using a stream completer,
/// and sets the source stream to the result of the future when the
/// future completes.
/// If the future completes with an error, the returned stream will
/// instead contain just that error.
static Stream<T> fromFuture<T>(Future<Stream<T>> streamFuture) {
var completer = StreamCompleter<T>();
streamFuture.then(completer.setSourceStream, onError: completer.setError);
/// The stream of this completer.
/// This stream is always a single-subscription stream.
/// When a source stream is provided, its events will be forwarded to
/// listeners on this stream.
/// The stream can be listened either before or after a source stream
/// is set.
Stream<T> get stream => _stream;
/// Set a stream as the source of events for the [StreamCompleter]'s
/// [stream].
/// The completer's `stream` will act exactly as [sourceStream].
/// If the source stream is set before [stream] is listened to,
/// the listen call on [stream] is forwarded directly to [sourceStream].
/// If [stream] is listened to before setting the source stream,
/// an intermediate subscription is created. It looks like a completely
/// normal subscription, and can be paused or canceled, but it won't
/// produce any events until a source stream is provided.
/// If the `stream` subscription is canceled before a source stream is set,
/// the source stream will be listened to and immediately canceled again.
/// Otherwise, when the source stream is then set,
/// it is immediately listened to, and its events are forwarded to the
/// existing subscription.
/// Any one of [setSourceStream], [setEmpty], and [setError] may be called at
/// most once. Trying to call any of them again will fail.
void setSourceStream(Stream<T> sourceStream) {
if (_stream._isSourceStreamSet) {
throw StateError('Source stream already set');
/// Equivalent to setting an empty stream using [setSourceStream].
/// Any one of [setSourceStream], [setEmpty], and [setError] may be called at
/// most once. Trying to call any of them again will fail.
void setEmpty() {
if (_stream._isSourceStreamSet) {
throw StateError('Source stream already set');
/// Completes this to a stream that emits [error] and then closes.
/// This is useful when the process of creating the data for the stream fails.
/// Any one of [setSourceStream], [setEmpty], and [setError] may be called at
/// most once. Trying to call any of them again will fail.
void setError(Object error, [StackTrace? stackTrace]) {
setSourceStream(Stream.fromFuture(Future.error(error, stackTrace)));
/// Stream completed by [StreamCompleter].
class _CompleterStream<T> extends Stream<T> {
/// Controller for an intermediate stream.
/// Created if the user listens on this stream before the source stream
/// is set, or if using [_setEmpty] so there is no source stream.
StreamController<T>? _controller;
/// Source stream for the events provided by this stream.
/// Set when the completer sets the source stream using [_setSourceStream]
/// or [_setEmpty].
Stream<T>? _sourceStream;
StreamSubscription<T> listen(void Function(T)? onData,
{Function? onError, void Function()? onDone, bool? cancelOnError}) {
if (_controller == null) {
var sourceStream = _sourceStream;
if (sourceStream != null && !sourceStream.isBroadcast) {
// If the source stream is itself single subscription,
// just listen to it directly instead of creating a controller.
return sourceStream.listen(onData,
onError: onError, onDone: onDone, cancelOnError: cancelOnError);
if (_sourceStream != null) {
return _controller!.stream.listen(onData,
onError: onError, onDone: onDone, cancelOnError: cancelOnError);
/// Whether a source stream has been set.
/// Used to throw an error if trying to set a source stream twice.
bool get _isSourceStreamSet => _sourceStream != null;
/// Sets the source stream providing the events for this stream.
/// If set before the user listens, listen calls will be directed directly
/// to the source stream. If the user listenes earlier, and intermediate
/// stream is created using a stream controller, and the source stream is
/// linked into that stream later.
void _setSourceStream(Stream<T> sourceStream) {
assert(_sourceStream == null);
_sourceStream = sourceStream;
if (_controller != null) {
// User has already listened, so provide the data through controller.
/// Links source stream to controller when both are available.
void _linkStreamToController() {
var controller = _controller!;
.addStream(_sourceStream!, cancelOnError: false)
/// Sets an empty source stream.
/// Uses [_controller] for the stream, then closes the controller
/// immediately.
void _setEmpty() {
assert(_sourceStream == null);
var controller = _ensureController();
_sourceStream =; // Mark stream as set.
// Creates the [_controller].
StreamController<T> _ensureController() {
return _controller ??= StreamController<T>(sync: true);