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  1. 4796804 Bump actions/checkout from 4.1.1 to 4.1.2 (#270) by dependabot[bot] · 4 weeks ago master
  2. 1556660 Test on wasm (dev) and JS (#269) by Kevin Moore · 7 weeks ago
  3. 6cdbc41 Update to latest lints, require Dart 3.2 (#267) by Kevin Moore · 2 months ago
  4. 24266ca Bump dart-lang/setup-dart from 1.6.0 to 1.6.2 (#266) by dependabot[bot] · 3 months ago
  5. e83d054 Fix typo (#262) by Futuristic Goo · 4 months ago

Dart CI pub package package publisher

Contains utility classes in the style of dart:async to work with asynchronous computations.

Package API

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