blob: b2292dbbc4f892cbc0a1c46b3ce0184a8e3a9131 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library args.src.option;
import 'package:collection/wrappers.dart';
/// Creates a new [Option].
/// Since [Option] doesn't have a public constructor, this lets [ArgParser]
/// get to it. This function isn't exported to the public API of the package.
Option newOption(String name, String abbreviation, String help,
String valueHelp, List<String> allowed, Map<String, String> allowedHelp,
defaultValue, Function callback, OptionType type,
{bool negatable, bool hide: false}) {
return new Option._(name, abbreviation, help, valueHelp, allowed, allowedHelp,
defaultValue, callback, type, negatable: negatable, hide: hide);
/// A command-line option. Includes both flags and options which take a value.
class Option {
final String name;
final String abbreviation;
final List<String> allowed;
final defaultValue;
final Function callback;
final String help;
final String valueHelp;
final Map<String, String> allowedHelp;
final OptionType type;
final bool negatable;
final bool hide;
/// Whether the option is boolean-valued flag.
bool get isFlag => type == OptionType.FLAG;
/// Whether the option takes a single value.
bool get isSingle => type == OptionType.SINGLE;
/// Whether the option allows multiple values.
bool get isMultiple => type == OptionType.MULTIPLE;
Option._(, this.abbreviation,, this.valueHelp,
List<String> allowed, Map<String, String> allowedHelp, this.defaultValue,
this.callback, this.type, {this.negatable, this.hide: false})
: this.allowed = allowed == null
? null
: new UnmodifiableListView(allowed),
this.allowedHelp = allowedHelp == null
? null
: new UnmodifiableMapView(allowedHelp) {
if (name.isEmpty) {
throw new ArgumentError('Name cannot be empty.');
} else if (name.startsWith('-')) {
throw new ArgumentError('Name $name cannot start with "-".');
// Ensure name does not contain any invalid characters.
if (_invalidChars.hasMatch(name)) {
throw new ArgumentError('Name "$name" contains invalid characters.');
if (abbreviation != null) {
if (abbreviation.length != 1) {
throw new ArgumentError('Abbreviation must be null or have length 1.');
} else if (abbreviation == '-') {
throw new ArgumentError('Abbreviation cannot be "-".');
if (_invalidChars.hasMatch(abbreviation)) {
throw new ArgumentError('Abbreviation is an invalid character.');
/// Returns [value] if non-`null`, otherwise returns the default value for
/// this option.
/// For single-valued options, it will be [defaultValue] if set or `null`
/// otherwise. For multiple-valued options, it will be an empty list or a
/// list containing [defaultValue] if set.
dynamic getOrDefault(value) {
if (value != null) return value;
if (!isMultiple) return defaultValue;
if (defaultValue != null) return [defaultValue];
return [];
static final _invalidChars = new RegExp(r'''[ \t\r\n"'\\/]''');
/// What kinds of values an option accepts.
class OptionType {
/// An option that can only be `true` or `false`.
/// The presence of the option name itself in the argument list means `true`.
static const FLAG = const OptionType._("OptionType.FLAG");
/// An option that takes a single value.
/// Examples:
/// --mode debug
/// -mdebug
/// --mode=debug
/// If the option is passed more than once, the last one wins.
static const SINGLE = const OptionType._("OptionType.SINGLE");
/// An option that allows multiple values.
/// Example:
/// --output text --output xml
/// In the parsed [ArgResults], a multiple-valued option will always return
/// a list, even if one or no values were passed.
static const MULTIPLE = const OptionType._("OptionType.MULTIPLE");
final String name;
const OptionType._(;