Split parse* methods to avoid duplicate work (#185)

Each of the methods `parseSoloOption`, `parseAbbreviation`, and
`parseLongOption` do some string manipulation and checking, before
potentially calling the same method on their parent parser. No state
changes during parsing part. Split out a 'handle' method in each case
that takes a partially parsed result as arguments, and avoid duplicating
that work at each step in the parent chain. There may be other work that
could be avoided but it would take deeper refactoring. The
`parseShortFlag` does not need to be split since there are no
intermediate results computed from the String.

Make all possible members of `Parser` private.

Use a list literal for `_rest` in the initializer list instead of using `.addAll`
in the constructor body.
diff --git a/lib/src/parser.dart b/lib/src/parser.dart
index 25497be..de987a8 100644
--- a/lib/src/parser.dart
+++ b/lib/src/parser.dart
@@ -16,57 +16,56 @@
 class Parser {
   /// If parser is parsing a command's options, this will be the name of the
   /// command. For top-level results, this returns `null`.
-  final String? commandName;
+  final String? _commandName;
   /// The parser for the supercommand of this command parser, or `null` if this
   /// is the top-level parser.
-  final Parser? parent;
+  final Parser? _parent;
   /// The grammar being parsed.
-  final ArgParser grammar;
+  final ArgParser _grammar;
   /// The arguments being parsed.
-  final Queue<String> args;
+  final Queue<String> _args;
   /// The remaining non-option, non-command arguments.
-  final rest = <String>[];
+  final List<String> _rest;
   /// The accumulated parsed options.
-  final Map<String, dynamic> results = <String, dynamic>{};
+  final Map<String, dynamic> _results = <String, dynamic>{};
-  Parser(this.commandName, this.grammar, this.args,
-      [this.parent, List<String>? rest]) {
-    if (rest != null) this.rest.addAll(rest);
-  }
+  Parser(this._commandName, this._grammar, this._args,
+      [this._parent, List<String>? rest])
+      : _rest = [...?rest];
   /// The current argument being parsed.
-  String get current => args.first;
+  String get _current => _args.first;
   /// Parses the arguments. This can only be called once.
   ArgResults parse() {
-    var arguments = args.toList();
-    if (grammar.allowsAnything) {
+    var arguments = _args.toList();
+    if (_grammar.allowsAnything) {
       return newArgResults(
-          grammar, const {}, commandName, null, arguments, arguments);
+          _grammar, const {}, _commandName, null, arguments, arguments);
     ArgResults? commandResults;
     // Parse the args.
-    while (args.isNotEmpty) {
-      if (current == '--') {
+    while (_args.isNotEmpty) {
+      if (_current == '--') {
         // Reached the argument terminator, so stop here.
-        args.removeFirst();
+        _args.removeFirst();
       // Try to parse the current argument as a command. This happens before
       // options so that commands can have option-like names.
-      var command = grammar.commands[current];
+      var command = _grammar.commands[_current];
       if (command != null) {
-        validate(rest.isEmpty, 'Cannot specify arguments before a command.');
-        var commandName = args.removeFirst();
-        var commandParser = Parser(commandName, command, args, this, rest);
+        _validate(_rest.isEmpty, 'Cannot specify arguments before a command.');
+        var commandName = _args.removeFirst();
+        var commandParser = Parser(commandName, command, _args, this, _rest);
         try {
           commandResults = commandParser.parse();
@@ -76,25 +75,25 @@
         // All remaining arguments were passed to command so clear them here.
-        rest.clear();
+        _rest.clear();
       // Try to parse the current argument as an option. Note that the order
       // here matters.
-      if (parseSoloOption()) continue;
-      if (parseAbbreviation(this)) continue;
-      if (parseLongOption()) continue;
+      if (_parseSoloOption()) continue;
+      if (_parseAbbreviation(this)) continue;
+      if (_parseLongOption()) continue;
       // This argument is neither option nor command, so stop parsing unless
       // the [allowTrailingOptions] option is set.
-      if (!grammar.allowTrailingOptions) break;
-      rest.add(args.removeFirst());
+      if (!_grammar.allowTrailingOptions) break;
+      _rest.add(_args.removeFirst());
     // Check if mandatory and invoke existing callbacks.
-    grammar.options.forEach((name, option) {
-      var parsedOption = results[name];
+    _grammar.options.forEach((name, option) {
+      var parsedOption = _results[name];
       // Check if an option was mandatory and exist
       // if not throw an exception
@@ -108,21 +107,21 @@
     // Add in the leftover arguments we didn't parse to the innermost command.
-    rest.addAll(args);
-    args.clear();
+    _rest.addAll(_args);
+    _args.clear();
     return newArgResults(
-        grammar, results, commandName, commandResults, rest, arguments);
+        _grammar, _results, _commandName, commandResults, _rest, arguments);
-  /// Pulls the value for [option] from the second argument in [args].
+  /// Pulls the value for [option] from the second argument in [_args].
   /// Validates that there is a valid value there.
-  void readNextArgAsValue(Option option) {
+  void _readNextArgAsValue(Option option) {
     // Take the option argument from the next command line arg.
-    validate(args.isNotEmpty, 'Missing argument for "${option.name}".');
+    _validate(_args.isNotEmpty, 'Missing argument for "${option.name}".');
-    setOption(results, option, current);
-    args.removeFirst();
+    _setOption(_results, option, _current);
+    _args.removeFirst();
   /// Tries to parse the current argument as a "solo" option, which is a single
@@ -130,27 +129,30 @@
   /// We treat this differently than collapsed abbreviations (like "-abc") to
   /// handle the possible value that may follow it.
-  bool parseSoloOption() {
+  bool _parseSoloOption() {
     // Hand coded regexp: r'^-([a-zA-Z0-9])$'
     // Length must be two, hyphen followed by any letter/digit.
-    if (current.length != 2) return false;
-    if (!current.startsWith('-')) return false;
-    var opt = current[1];
+    if (_current.length != 2) return false;
+    if (!_current.startsWith('-')) return false;
+    var opt = _current[1];
     if (!_isLetterOrDigit(opt.codeUnitAt(0))) return false;
+    return _handleSoloOption(opt);
+  }
-    var option = grammar.findByAbbreviation(opt);
+  bool _handleSoloOption(String opt) {
+    var option = _grammar.findByAbbreviation(opt);
     if (option == null) {
       // Walk up to the parent command if possible.
-      validate(parent != null, 'Could not find an option or flag "-$opt".');
-      return parent!.parseSoloOption();
+      _validate(_parent != null, 'Could not find an option or flag "-$opt".');
+      return _parent!._handleSoloOption(opt);
-    args.removeFirst();
+    _args.removeFirst();
     if (option.isFlag) {
-      setFlag(results, option, true);
+      _setFlag(_results, option, true);
     } else {
-      readNextArgAsValue(option);
+      _readNextArgAsValue(option);
     return true;
@@ -159,17 +161,17 @@
   /// Tries to parse the current argument as a series of collapsed abbreviations
   /// (like "-abc") or a single abbreviation with the value directly attached
   /// to it (like "-mrelease").
-  bool parseAbbreviation(Parser innermostCommand) {
+  bool _parseAbbreviation(Parser innermostCommand) {
     // Hand coded regexp: r'^-([a-zA-Z0-9]+)(.*)$'
     // Hyphen then at least one letter/digit then zero or more
     // anything-but-newlines.
-    if (current.length < 2) return false;
-    if (!current.startsWith('-')) return false;
+    if (_current.length < 2) return false;
+    if (!_current.startsWith('-')) return false;
     // Find where we go from letters/digits to rest.
     var index = 1;
-    while (
-        index < current.length && _isLetterOrDigit(current.codeUnitAt(index))) {
+    while (index < _current.length &&
+        _isLetterOrDigit(_current.codeUnitAt(index))) {
     // Must be at least one letter/digit.
@@ -177,26 +179,31 @@
     // If the first character is the abbreviation for a non-flag option, then
     // the rest is the value.
-    var lettersAndDigits = current.substring(1, index);
-    var rest = current.substring(index);
+    var lettersAndDigits = _current.substring(1, index);
+    var rest = _current.substring(index);
     if (rest.contains('\n') || rest.contains('\r')) return false;
+    return _handleAbbreviation(lettersAndDigits, rest, innermostCommand);
+  }
+  bool _handleAbbreviation(
+      String lettersAndDigits, String rest, Parser innermostCommand) {
     var c = lettersAndDigits.substring(0, 1);
-    var first = grammar.findByAbbreviation(c);
+    var first = _grammar.findByAbbreviation(c);
     if (first == null) {
       // Walk up to the parent command if possible.
-      validate(
-          parent != null, 'Could not find an option with short name "-$c".');
-      return parent!.parseAbbreviation(innermostCommand);
+      _validate(
+          _parent != null, 'Could not find an option with short name "-$c".');
+      return _parent!
+          ._handleAbbreviation(lettersAndDigits, rest, innermostCommand);
     } else if (!first.isFlag) {
       // The first character is a non-flag option, so the rest must be the
       // value.
       var value = '${lettersAndDigits.substring(1)}$rest';
-      setOption(results, first, value);
+      _setOption(_results, first, value);
     } else {
       // If we got some non-flag characters, then it must be a value, but
       // if we got here, it's a flag, which is wrong.
-      validate(
+      _validate(
           rest == '',
           'Option "-$c" is a flag and cannot handle value '
@@ -207,85 +214,89 @@
       // letters.
       for (var i = 0; i < lettersAndDigits.length; i++) {
         var c = lettersAndDigits.substring(i, i + 1);
-        innermostCommand.parseShortFlag(c);
+        innermostCommand._parseShortFlag(c);
-    args.removeFirst();
+    _args.removeFirst();
     return true;
-  void parseShortFlag(String c) {
-    var option = grammar.findByAbbreviation(c);
+  void _parseShortFlag(String c) {
+    var option = _grammar.findByAbbreviation(c);
     if (option == null) {
       // Walk up to the parent command if possible.
-      validate(
-          parent != null, 'Could not find an option with short name "-$c".');
-      parent!.parseShortFlag(c);
+      _validate(
+          _parent != null, 'Could not find an option with short name "-$c".');
+      _parent!._parseShortFlag(c);
     // In a list of short options, only the first can be a non-flag. If
     // we get here we've checked that already.
-    validate(
+    _validate(
         option.isFlag, 'Option "-$c" must be a flag to be in a collapsed "-".');
-    setFlag(results, option, true);
+    _setFlag(_results, option, true);
   /// Tries to parse the current argument as a long-form named option, which
   /// may include a value like "--mode=release" or "--mode release".
-  bool parseLongOption() {
+  bool _parseLongOption() {
     // Hand coded regexp: r'^--([a-zA-Z\-_0-9]+)(=(.*))?$'
     // Two hyphens then at least one letter/digit/hyphen, optionally an equal
     // sign followed by zero or more anything-but-newlines.
-    if (!current.startsWith('--')) return false;
+    if (!_current.startsWith('--')) return false;
-    var index = current.indexOf('=');
-    var name = index == -1 ? current.substring(2) : current.substring(2, index);
+    var index = _current.indexOf('=');
+    var name =
+        index == -1 ? _current.substring(2) : _current.substring(2, index);
     for (var i = 0; i != name.length; ++i) {
       if (!_isLetterDigitHyphenOrUnderscore(name.codeUnitAt(i))) return false;
-    var value = index == -1 ? null : current.substring(index + 1);
+    var value = index == -1 ? null : _current.substring(index + 1);
     if (value != null && (value.contains('\n') || value.contains('\r'))) {
       return false;
+    return _handleLongOption(name, value);
+  }
-    var option = grammar.findByNameOrAlias(name);
+  bool _handleLongOption(String name, String? value) {
+    var option = _grammar.findByNameOrAlias(name);
     if (option != null) {
-      args.removeFirst();
+      _args.removeFirst();
       if (option.isFlag) {
-        validate(
+        _validate(
             value == null, 'Flag option "$name" should not be given a value.');
-        setFlag(results, option, true);
+        _setFlag(_results, option, true);
       } else if (value != null) {
         // We have a value like --foo=bar.
-        setOption(results, option, value);
+        _setOption(_results, option, value);
       } else {
         // Option like --foo, so look for the value as the next arg.
-        readNextArgAsValue(option);
+        _readNextArgAsValue(option);
     } else if (name.startsWith('no-')) {
       // See if it's a negated flag.
-      name = name.substring('no-'.length);
-      option = grammar.findByNameOrAlias(name);
+      var positiveName = name.substring('no-'.length);
+      option = _grammar.findByNameOrAlias(positiveName);
       if (option == null) {
         // Walk up to the parent command if possible.
-        validate(parent != null, 'Could not find an option named "$name".');
-        return parent!.parseLongOption();
+        _validate(_parent != null, 'Could not find an option named "$name".');
+        return _parent!._handleLongOption(name, value);
-      args.removeFirst();
-      validate(option.isFlag, 'Cannot negate non-flag option "$name".');
-      validate(option.negatable!, 'Cannot negate option "$name".');
+      _args.removeFirst();
+      _validate(option.isFlag, 'Cannot negate non-flag option "$name".');
+      _validate(option.negatable!, 'Cannot negate option "$name".');
-      setFlag(results, option, false);
+      _setFlag(_results, option, false);
     } else {
       // Walk up to the parent command if possible.
-      validate(parent != null, 'Could not find an option named "$name".');
-      return parent!.parseLongOption();
+      _validate(_parent != null, 'Could not find an option named "$name".');
+      return _parent!._handleLongOption(name, value);
     return true;
@@ -294,13 +305,13 @@
   /// Called during parsing to validate the arguments.
   /// Throws an [ArgParserException] if [condition] is `false`.
-  void validate(bool condition, String message) {
+  void _validate(bool condition, String message) {
     if (!condition) throw ArgParserException(message);
   /// Validates and stores [value] as the value for [option], which must not be
   /// a flag.
-  void setOption(Map results, Option option, String value) {
+  void _setOption(Map results, Option option, String value) {
     if (!option.isMultiple) {
@@ -324,7 +335,7 @@
   /// Validates and stores [value] as the value for [option], which must be a
   /// flag.
-  void setFlag(Map results, Option option, bool value) {
+  void _setFlag(Map results, Option option, bool value) {
     results[option.name] = value;
@@ -333,7 +344,7 @@
   void _validateAllowed(Option option, String value) {
     if (option.allowed == null) return;
-    validate(option.allowed!.contains(value),
+    _validate(option.allowed!.contains(value),
         '"$value" is not an allowed value for option "${option.name}".');