blob: 69de95adf1a5e7ff309d0e2e15d3943180dd0ae6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:collection';
import 'allow_anything_parser.dart';
import 'arg_results.dart';
import 'option.dart';
import 'parser.dart';
import 'usage.dart';
/// A class for taking a list of raw command line arguments and parsing out
/// options and flags from them.
class ArgParser {
final Map<String, Option> _options;
final Map<String, ArgParser> _commands;
/// The options that have been defined for this parser.
final Map<String, Option> options;
/// The commands that have been defined for this parser.
final Map<String, ArgParser> commands;
/// A list of the [Option]s in [options] intermingled with [String]
/// separators.
final _optionsAndSeparators = [];
/// Whether or not this parser parses options that appear after non-option
/// arguments.
final bool allowTrailingOptions;
/// Whether or not this parser treats unrecognized options as non-option
/// arguments.
bool get allowsAnything => false;
/// Creates a new ArgParser.
/// If [allowTrailingOptions] is set, the parser will continue parsing even
/// after it finds an argument that is neither an option nor a command.
/// This allows options to be specified after regular arguments. Defaults to
/// `false`.
factory ArgParser({bool allowTrailingOptions: false}) =>
new ArgParser._({}, {}, allowTrailingOptions: allowTrailingOptions);
/// Creates a new ArgParser that treats *all input* as non-option arguments.
/// This is intended to allow arguments to be passed through to child
/// processes without needing to be redefined in the parent.
/// Options may not be defined for this parser.
factory ArgParser.allowAnything() = AllowAnythingParser;
ArgParser._(Map<String, Option> options, Map<String, ArgParser> commands,
{bool allowTrailingOptions: false})
: this._options = options,
this.options = new UnmodifiableMapView(options),
this._commands = commands,
this.commands = new UnmodifiableMapView(commands),
this.allowTrailingOptions =
allowTrailingOptions != null ? allowTrailingOptions : false;
/// Defines a command.
/// A command is a named argument which may in turn define its own options and
/// subcommands using the given parser. If [parser] is omitted, implicitly
/// creates a new one. Returns the parser for the command.
ArgParser addCommand(String name, [ArgParser parser]) {
// Make sure the name isn't in use.
if (_commands.containsKey(name)) {
throw new ArgumentError('Duplicate command "$name".');
if (parser == null) parser = new ArgParser();
_commands[name] = parser;
return parser;
/// Defines a flag. Throws an [ArgumentError] if:
/// * There is already an option named [name].
/// * There is already an option using abbreviation [abbr].
void addFlag(String name,
{String abbr,
String help,
bool defaultsTo: false,
bool negatable: true,
void callback(bool value),
bool hide: false}) {
_addOption(name, abbr, help, null, null, null, defaultsTo, callback,
negatable: negatable, hide: hide);
/// Defines a value-taking option. Throws an [ArgumentError] if:
/// * There is already an option with name [name].
/// * There is already an option using abbreviation [abbr].
/// * [splitCommas] is passed but [allowMultiple] is `false`.
void addOption(String name,
{String abbr,
String help,
String valueHelp,
List<String> allowed,
Map<String, String> allowedHelp,
String defaultsTo,
void callback(value),
bool allowMultiple: false,
bool splitCommas,
bool hide: false}) {
if (!allowMultiple && splitCommas != null) {
throw new ArgumentError(
'splitCommas may not be set if allowMultiple is false.');
_addOption(name, abbr, help, valueHelp, allowed, allowedHelp, defaultsTo,
callback, allowMultiple ? OptionType.MULTIPLE : OptionType.SINGLE,
splitCommas: splitCommas, hide: hide);
void _addOption(
String name,
String abbr,
String help,
String valueHelp,
List<String> allowed,
Map<String, String> allowedHelp,
void callback(value),
OptionType type,
{bool negatable: false,
bool splitCommas,
bool hide: false}) {
// Make sure the name isn't in use.
if (_options.containsKey(name)) {
throw new ArgumentError('Duplicate option "$name".');
// Make sure the abbreviation isn't too long or in use.
if (abbr != null) {
var existing = findByAbbreviation(abbr);
if (existing != null) {
throw new ArgumentError(
'Abbreviation "$abbr" is already used by "${}".');
var option = newOption(name, abbr, help, valueHelp, allowed, allowedHelp,
defaultsTo, callback, type,
negatable: negatable, splitCommas: splitCommas, hide: hide);
_options[name] = option;
/// Adds a separator line to the usage.
/// In the usage text for the parser, this will appear between any options
/// added before this call and ones added after it.
void addSeparator(String text) {
/// Parses [args], a list of command-line arguments, matches them against the
/// flags and options defined by this parser, and returns the result.
ArgResults parse(List<String> args) =>
new Parser(null, this, args.toList()).parse();
/// Generates a string displaying usage information for the defined options.
/// This is basically the help text shown on the command line.
@Deprecated("Replaced with get usage. getUsage() will be removed in args 1.0")
String getUsage() => usage;
/// Generates a string displaying usage information for the defined options.
/// This is basically the help text shown on the command line.
String get usage => new Usage(_optionsAndSeparators).generate();
/// Get the default value for an option. Useful after parsing to test if the
/// user specified something other than the default.
getDefault(String option) {
if (!options.containsKey(option)) {
throw new ArgumentError('No option named $option');
return options[option].defaultValue;
/// Finds the option whose abbreviation is [abbr], or `null` if no option has
/// that abbreviation.
Option findByAbbreviation(String abbr) {
return options.values.firstWhere((option) => option.abbreviation == abbr,
orElse: () => null);