blob: b68241a29258712daf314f6178522fd63846675b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:args/args.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'test_utils.dart';
void main() {
group('ArgParser.parse()', () {
test('does not destructively modify the argument list', () {
var parser = ArgParser();
var args = ['--verbose'];
var results = parser.parse(args);
expect(args, equals(['--verbose']));
expect(results['verbose'], isTrue);
group('flags', () {
test('are true if present', () {
var parser = ArgParser();
var args = parser.parse(['--verbose']);
expect(args['verbose'], isTrue);
test('default if missing', () {
var parser = ArgParser();
parser.addFlag('a', defaultsTo: true);
parser.addFlag('b', defaultsTo: false);
var args = parser.parse([]);
expect(args['a'], isTrue);
expect(args['b'], isFalse);
test('are false if missing with no default', () {
var parser = ArgParser();
var args = parser.parse([]);
expect(args['verbose'], isFalse);
test('throws if given a value', () {
var parser = ArgParser();
throwsFormat(parser, ['--verbose=true']);
test('are case-sensitive', () {
var parser = ArgParser();
var results = parser.parse(['--verbose']);
expect(results['verbose'], isTrue);
expect(results['Verbose'], isFalse);
test('match letters, numbers, hyphens and underscores', () {
var parser = ArgParser();
var allCharacters =
var results = parser.parse(['--$allCharacters']);
expect(results[allCharacters], isTrue);
test('can match by alias', () {
var parser = ArgParser()..addFlag('a', aliases: ['b']);
var results = parser.parse(['--b']);
expect(results['a'], isTrue);
test('can be negated by alias', () {
var parser = ArgParser()
..addFlag('a', aliases: ['b'], defaultsTo: true, negatable: true);
var results = parser.parse(['--no-b']);
expect(results['a'], isFalse);
group('flags negated with "no-"', () {
test('set the flag to false', () {
var parser = ArgParser();
var args = parser.parse(['--no-verbose']);
expect(args['verbose'], isFalse);
test('set the flag to true if the flag actually starts with "no-"', () {
var parser = ArgParser();
var args = parser.parse(['--no-body']);
expect(args['no-body'], isTrue);
test('are not preferred over a colliding one without', () {
var parser = ArgParser();
var args = parser.parse(['--no-strum']);
expect(args['no-strum'], isTrue);
expect(args['strum'], isFalse);
test('fail for non-negatable flags', () {
var parser = ArgParser();
parser.addFlag('strum', negatable: false);
throwsFormat(parser, ['--no-strum']);
group('callbacks', () {
test('for present flags are invoked with the value', () {
bool? a;
var parser = ArgParser();
parser.addFlag('a', callback: (value) => a = value);
expect(a, isTrue);
test('for absent flags are invoked with the default value', () {
bool? a;
var parser = ArgParser();
parser.addFlag('a', defaultsTo: false, callback: (value) => a = value);
expect(a, isFalse);
test('are invoked even if the flag is not present', () {
var a = true;
var parser = ArgParser();
parser.addFlag('a', callback: (value) => a = value);
expect(a, isFalse);
test('for present options are invoked with the value', () {
String? a;
var parser = ArgParser();
parser.addOption('a', callback: (value) => a = value);
expect(a, equals('v'));
test('for absent options are invoked with the default value', () {
var parser = ArgParser();
defaultsTo: 'v',
callback: expectAsync1((value) => expect(value, 'v')));
test('for absent options are invoked with null if there is no default',
() {
var parser = ArgParser();
callback: expectAsync1((value) => expect(value, isNull)));
group('with addMultiOption', () {
test('for multiple present, options are invoked with value as a list',
() {
List<String>? a;
var parser = ArgParser();
parser.addMultiOption('a', callback: (value) => a = value);
parser.parse(['--a=v', '--a=x']);
expect(a, equals(['v', 'x']));
// This reified type is important in strong mode so that people can
// safely write "as List<String>".
expect(a, TypeMatcher<List<String>>());
'for single present, options are invoked with value as a single '
'element list', () {
List<String>? a;
var parser = ArgParser();
parser.addMultiOption('a', callback: (value) => a = value);
expect(a, equals(['v']));
test('for absent, options are invoked with default value', () {
List<String>? a;
var parser = ArgParser();
defaultsTo: ['v', 'w'], callback: (value) => a = value);
expect(a, equals(['v', 'w']));
test('for absent, options are invoked with value as an empty list', () {
List<String>? a;
var parser = ArgParser();
parser.addMultiOption('a', callback: (value) => a = value);
expect(a, isEmpty);
test('parses comma-separated strings', () {
List<String>? a;
var parser = ArgParser();
parser.addMultiOption('a', callback: (value) => a = value);
parser.parse(['--a=v,w', '--a=x']);
expect(a, equals(['v', 'w', 'x']));
test("doesn't parse comma-separated strings with splitCommas: false",
() {
List<String>? a;
var parser = ArgParser();
splitCommas: false, callback: (value) => a = value);
parser.parse(['--a=v,w', '--a=x']);
expect(a, equals(['v,w', 'x']));
test('parses empty strings', () {
List<String>? a;
var parser = ArgParser();
parser.addMultiOption('a', callback: (value) => a = value);
parser.parse(['--a=,v', '--a=w,', '--a=,', '--a=x,,y', '--a', '']);
expect(a, equals(['', 'v', 'w', '', '', '', 'x', '', 'y', '']));
test('with allowed parses comma-separated strings', () {
List<String>? a;
var parser = ArgParser();
allowed: ['v', 'w', 'x'], callback: (value) => a = value);
parser.parse(['--a=v,w', '--a=x']);
expect(a, equals(['v', 'w', 'x']));
test('can mix and match alias and regular name', () {
var parser = ArgParser()..addMultiOption('a', aliases: ['b']);
var results = parser.parse(['--a=1', '--b=2']);
expect(results['a'], ['1', '2']);
group('abbreviations', () {
test('are parsed with a preceding "-"', () {
var parser = ArgParser();
parser.addFlag('arg', abbr: 'a');
var args = parser.parse(['-a']);
expect(args['arg'], isTrue);
test('can use multiple after a single "-"', () {
var parser = ArgParser();
parser.addFlag('first', abbr: 'f');
parser.addFlag('second', abbr: 's');
parser.addFlag('third', abbr: 't');
var args = parser.parse(['-tf']);
expect(args['first'], isTrue);
expect(args['second'], isFalse);
expect(args['third'], isTrue);
test('can have multiple "-" args', () {
var parser = ArgParser();
parser.addFlag('first', abbr: 'f');
parser.addFlag('second', abbr: 's');
parser.addFlag('third', abbr: 't');
var args = parser.parse(['-s', '-tf']);
expect(args['first'], isTrue);
expect(args['second'], isTrue);
expect(args['third'], isTrue);
test('can take arguments without a space separating', () {
var parser = ArgParser();
parser.addOption('file', abbr: 'f');
var args = parser.parse(['-flip']);
expect(args['file'], equals('lip'));
test('can take arguments with a space separating', () {
var parser = ArgParser();
parser.addOption('file', abbr: 'f');
var args = parser.parse(['-f', 'name']);
expect(args['file'], equals('name'));
test('allow non-option characters in the value', () {
var parser = ArgParser();
parser.addOption('apple', abbr: 'a');
var args = parser.parse(['-ab?!c']);
expect(args['apple'], equals('b?!c'));
test('throw if unknown', () {
var parser = ArgParser();
throwsFormat(parser, ['-f']);
test('throw if the value is missing', () {
var parser = ArgParser();
parser.addOption('file', abbr: 'f');
throwsFormat(parser, ['-f']);
test('does not throw if the value looks like an option', () {
var parser = ArgParser();
parser.addOption('file', abbr: 'f');
expect(parser.parse(['-f', '--other'])['file'], equals('--other'));
expect(parser.parse(['-f', '--unknown'])['file'], equals('--unknown'));
expect(parser.parse(['-f', '-abbr'])['file'], equals('-abbr'));
expect(parser.parse(['-f', '--'])['file'], equals('--'));
test('throw if the value is not allowed', () {
var parser = ArgParser();
parser.addOption('mode', abbr: 'm', allowed: ['debug', 'release']);
throwsFormat(parser, ['-mprofile']);
group('throw if a comma-separated value is not allowed', () {
test('with addMultiOption', () {
var parser = ArgParser();
.addMultiOption('mode', abbr: 'm', allowed: ['debug', 'release']);
throwsFormat(parser, ['-mdebug,profile']);
test('throw if any but the first is not a flag', () {
var parser = ArgParser();
parser.addFlag('apple', abbr: 'a');
parser.addOption('banana', abbr: 'b'); // Takes an argument.
parser.addFlag('cherry', abbr: 'c');
throwsFormat(parser, ['-abc']);
test('throw if it has a value but the option is a flag', () {
var parser = ArgParser();
parser.addFlag('apple', abbr: 'a');
parser.addFlag('banana', abbr: 'b');
// The '?!' means this can only be understood as '--apple b?!c'.
throwsFormat(parser, ['-ab?!c']);
test('are case-sensitive', () {
var parser = ArgParser();
parser.addFlag('file', abbr: 'f');
parser.addFlag('force', abbr: 'F');
var results = parser.parse(['-f']);
expect(results['file'], isTrue);
expect(results['force'], isFalse);
group('options', () {
test('are parsed if present', () {
var parser = ArgParser();
var args = parser.parse(['--mode=release']);
expect(args['mode'], equals('release'));
test('are null if not present', () {
var parser = ArgParser();
var args = parser.parse([]);
expect(args['mode'], isNull);
test('default if missing', () {
var parser = ArgParser();
parser.addOption('mode', defaultsTo: 'debug');
var args = parser.parse([]);
expect(args['mode'], equals('debug'));
test('allow the value to be separated by whitespace', () {
var parser = ArgParser();
var args = parser.parse(['--mode', 'release']);
expect(args['mode'], equals('release'));
test('throw if unknown', () {
var parser = ArgParser();
throwsFormat(parser, ['--unknown']);
throwsFormat(parser, ['--nobody']); // Starts with "no".
test('throw if the arg does not include a value', () {
var parser = ArgParser();
throwsFormat(parser, ['--mode']);
test('do not throw if the value looks like an option', () {
var parser = ArgParser();
expect(parser.parse(['--mode', '--other'])['mode'], equals('--other'));
parser.parse(['--mode', '--unknown'])['mode'], equals('--unknown'));
expect(parser.parse(['--mode', '-abbr'])['mode'], equals('-abbr'));
expect(parser.parse(['--mode', '--'])['mode'], equals('--'));
test('do not throw if the value is in the allowed set', () {
var parser = ArgParser();
parser.addOption('mode', allowed: ['debug', 'release']);
var args = parser.parse(['--mode=debug']);
expect(args['mode'], equals('debug'));
test('do not throw if there is no allowed set with allowedHelp', () {
var parser = ArgParser();
parser.addOption('mode', allowedHelp: {
'debug': 'During development.',
'release': 'For customers.'
var args = parser.parse(['--mode=profile']);
expect(args['mode'], equals('profile'));
test('throw if the value is not in the allowed set', () {
var parser = ArgParser();
parser.addOption('mode', allowed: ['debug', 'release']);
throwsFormat(parser, ['--mode=profile']);
test('returns last provided value', () {
var parser = ArgParser();
var args = parser.parse(['--define=1', '--define=2']);
expect(args['define'], equals('2'));
group('returns a List', () {
test('with addMultiOption', () {
var parser = ArgParser();
var args = parser.parse(['--define=1']);
expect(args['define'], equals(['1']));
args = parser.parse(['--define=1', '--define=2']);
expect(args['define'], equals(['1', '2']));
group('returns the default value if not explicitly set', () {
test('with addMultiOption', () {
var parser = ArgParser();
parser.addMultiOption('define', defaultsTo: ['0']);
var args = parser.parse(['']);
expect(args['define'], equals(['0']));
test('are case-sensitive', () {
var parser = ArgParser();
parser.addOption('verbose', defaultsTo: 'no');
parser.addOption('Verbose', defaultsTo: 'no');
var results = parser.parse(['--verbose', 'chatty']);
expect(results['verbose'], equals('chatty'));
expect(results['Verbose'], equals('no'));
test('can be set by alias', () {
var parser = ArgParser()..addOption('a', aliases: ['b']);
var results = parser.parse(['--b=1']);
expect(results['a'], '1');
group('mandatory', () {
test('throw if no args', () {
var parser = ArgParser();
parser.addOption('username', mandatory: true);
throwsFormat(parser, []);
test('throw if no mandatory args', () {
var parser = ArgParser();
parser.addOption('username', mandatory: true);
throwsFormat(parser, ['--test', 'test']);
test('parse successfully', () {
var parser = ArgParser();
parser.addOption('test', mandatory: true);
var results = parser.parse(['--test', 'test']);
expect(results['test'], equals('test'));
group('remaining args', () {
test('stops parsing args when a non-option-like arg is encountered', () {
var parser = ArgParser();
parser.addOption('tweet', defaultsTo: 'bird');
var results = parser.parse(['--woof', '--meow', 'v', 'not', 'option']);
expect(results['woof'], isTrue);
expect(results['meow'], equals('v'));
expect(results['tweet'], equals('bird'));
expect(, equals(['not', 'option']));
test('consumes "--" and stops', () {
var parser = ArgParser();
parser.addFlag('woof', defaultsTo: false);
parser.addOption('meow', defaultsTo: 'kitty');
var results = parser.parse(['--woof', '--', '--meow']);
expect(results['woof'], isTrue);
expect(results['meow'], equals('kitty'));
expect(, equals(['--meow']));
'with allowTrailingOptions: false, leaves "--" if not the first '
'non-option', () {
var parser = ArgParser(allowTrailingOptions: false);
var results = parser.parse(['--woof', 'stop', '--', 'arg']);
expect(results['woof'], isTrue);
expect(, equals(['stop', '--', 'arg']));